UUSS fall Congregational Meeting
Unitarian Universalist Society of Schenectady 1221 Wendell Ave, Schenectady, NYSave the Date: November 20, 2022! All are invited to the Congregational Meeting, to be held right after the worship service.
Save the Date: November 20, 2022! All are invited to the Congregational Meeting, to be held right after the worship service.
On Sunday, Nov. 20, at 4pm (allow extra time for parking), join Schenectady Clergy Against Hate at the Vale Farm, a program of Schenectady Community Ministries. The entrance is on … Continue reading Schenectady Clergy Against Hate Thanksgiving event
Want to talk with others at UUSS about these proposed changes? Join the co-ministers on Monday, November 21, 6:00-7:00 pm. Join Zoom Meeting https://uuma.zoom.us/j/99275551439?pwd=WldlMjkweHRNWmJ5NWszMUVOQnh2dz09 Meeting ID: 992 7555 1439 Passcode: … Continue reading UUSS Conversation about Proposed UUA Bylaws
Let's read about food, unlikely families, and resilience in November with Mango and Peppercorns; a Memoir of Food, an Unlikely Family, and the American Dream by Tung Nguyen, Katherine Manning, Lyn Nguyen, and Elisa Ung, 2021. Join us on Monday, November 28 at 6:30 for the book discussion on 'Mango and Peppercorns. October 24, 2022, … Continue reading BIPOC Book Group Discussion
Whatever type of loss you've suffered, or when that loss was, there's no right or wrong way to grieve. The Caring Team is offering an online monthly open group to offer support in times of grief. Drop-in participation is welcome. This will be a space for all different kinds of loss. Questions? Contact Rev. Lynn, revlynn@uuschenectady.org
Philosophy comes in many forms covering a broad spectrum of discussion. Books we have read delve into the ideas and the written word about knowledge, truth, reality, reason, ethics, and government. NO prior knowledge of philosophy is needed to participate and discuss. If you would like to review a list of books we have read, … Continue reading Philosophy Group Discussion
All are invited to have fun helping the Women's Alliance with a SiCM Holiday Stocking Stuffer project for local children in need. Please join us, masked, at 11 AM on Thursday, December 1, in the UUSS Dining Room to fill stockings for children (ages 3 - 12) whose families visit the SiCM Food Pantry. We … Continue reading Women’s Alliance Holiday Project & Brown Bag Lunch
Philosophy comes in many forms covering a broad spectrum of discussion. Books we have read delve into the ideas and the written word about knowledge, truth, reality, reason, ethics, and government. NO prior knowledge of philosophy is needed to participate and discuss. If you would like to review a list of books we have read, have … Continue reading Philosophy Group Discussion
Details TBA
Philosophy comes in many forms covering a broad spectrum of discussion. Books we have read delve into the ideas and the written word about knowledge, truth, reality, reason, ethics, and government. NO prior knowledge of philosophy is needed to participate and discuss. If you would like to review a list of books we have read, have … Continue reading Philosophy Group Discussion