Holiday Hangout

Unitarian Universalist Society of Schenectady 1221 Wendell Ave, Schenectady, NY

The Music Team and Staff Team invite you to stay after the worship service on Dec. 8th for some holiday fun! You can gather around the piano to sing carols … Continue reading Holiday Hangout

Grief Group

Unitarian Universalist Society of Schenectady 1221 Wendell Ave, Schenectady, NY

Grief is part of being human, and there are so many different reasons to grieve. Winter and holidays can increase our feelings of loss. This drop in Grief Group is … Continue reading Grief Group

Schenectady Clergy Against Hate (SCAH): Gathering of Solidarity

First United Methodist Church 603 State St., Schenectady, NY, United States

Join members of Schenectady Clergy Against Hate in a Gathering of Solidarity at the First United Methodist Church 603 State Street, Schenectady, on January 6th.

Parenting Circle

Unitarian Universalist Society of Schenectady 1221 Wendell Ave, Schenectady, NY

We'd LOVE for you to be here! Parenting Circle is planned for this Friday, January 17, from 6-8 pm, beginning in the Emerson Room. Dinner will be provided for kids … Continue reading Parenting Circle