Tarot Cards: Magic? Evil? Scam? Deception? A Mirror? Helpful? (EBWA November Program)

Unitarian Universalist Society of Schenectady 1221 Wendell Ave, Schenectady, NY

UUSS member Lois Porter developed an interest in Tarot during Covid. She will share her conviction that Tarot has the potential to help individuals explore challenges and everyday life issues.  She considers herself a collaborative reader and believes, as Lao Tzu indicated, “At the center of your being you have the answer, you know who you … Continue reading Tarot Cards: Magic? Evil? Scam? Deception? A Mirror? Helpful? (EBWA November Program)

EBWA January Program (online): Welcome to the Arkell Museum!


Speaker: Mary Alexander, Curator of Education & Public Engagement The Arkell is a lesser known gem of a museum west of Schenectady in Canajoharie. Mary Alexander, Curator of Education and Public Engagement, will give us a virtual tour and discuss the museum’s permanent collection of American Art including Winslow Homer, George Inness, Childe Hassam, and many … Continue reading EBWA January Program (online): Welcome to the Arkell Museum!

On the Edge: The Harrowing Lives of Birds (EBWA program for February)


Speaker: Denise Hackert-Stoner, co-owner/founder of Naturelogues They fly. They sing. They are beautiful. One might think that the life of a bird is all adventure, music, and romance. But for these tiny creatures, it often takes great vigilance just to survive. Denise will share with us some of the strategies used by birds to successfully … Continue reading On the Edge: The Harrowing Lives of Birds (EBWA program for February)