EBWA program: Poem RENOVATION: Pandemic-fueled Exploration Yields Entrepreneurial Inspiration

Unitarian Universalist Society of Schenectady 1221 Wendell Ave, Schenectady, NY

The speaker for the September program of the Evening Branch of the Women's Alliance (EBWA) will be Kelly de la Rocha, poet, writer and creator of poemRENOVATION.com.   Poet and journalist Kelly de la Rocha dismantled old self-portrait poems during the pandemic lockdown, rearranged them and found a new path forward. The digital daily word puzzle … Continue reading EBWA program: Poem RENOVATION: Pandemic-fueled Exploration Yields Entrepreneurial Inspiration

Banned Books: Not In My Backyard

Unitarian Universalist Society of Schenectady 1221 Wendell Ave, Schenectady, NY

The Evening Brach of the Women's Alliance (EBWA) October program is: Banned Books: Not In My Backyard, presented by Charity Thorne, Executive Director of the Schenectady County Public Library. Intellectual freedom is one of the core values of librarianship, and the current surge in challenges to the valuable access libraries provide is unprecedented in the … Continue reading Banned Books: Not In My Backyard

Phillis Wheatley’s Presence: Getting to Know One of America’s First Black Poets

Unitarian Universalist Society of Schenectady 1221 Wendell Ave, Schenectady, NY

Speaker:  Wendy Roberts, Associate Professor of English, University at Albany Phillis Wheatley is often referred to as the Mother of African American literature, the first Black person, and therefore also the first Black woman living in British North America to publish a book, and, because it was a book of poetry, the first to publish a book of … Continue reading Phillis Wheatley’s Presence: Getting to Know One of America’s First Black Poets

From Baseball to Broadcasting: EBWA program for December

Unitarian Universalist Society of Schenectady 1221 Wendell Ave, Schenectady, NY

From Baseball to Broadcasting, featuring Wanda Fischer, Host of WAMC's Hudson River Sampler When the Evening Branch of the Women's Alliance (EBWA) Steering committee contacts prospective speakers each spring for the following year, we usually have particular topics in mind. Sometimes a speaker wants to talk about something different, and often we agree to the … Continue reading From Baseball to Broadcasting: EBWA program for December

More Than a Century: The Challenges to Achieve An Equal Rights Amendment (EBWA Program)

Unitarian Universalist Society of Schenectady 1221 Wendell Ave, Schenectady, NY

March 28, 6:45-9:00 pm, in the church dining room Speaker: Andrea Foroughi, Associate Professor and Chair, History Dept., Union College Please note: We will return to in-person meetings on March 28! Professor Andrea Foroughi will speak about the long struggle to secure equal rights for women in the U.S., starting with the push for women's rights in … Continue reading More Than a Century: The Challenges to Achieve An Equal Rights Amendment (EBWA Program)

Advancing Social Justice One House at a Time (April EBWA program)

Unitarian Universalist Society of Schenectady 1221 Wendell Ave, Schenectady, NY

“Advancing Social Justice One House at a Time”— April 25, 6:45-9:00 pm, in the church dining room Speaker:  Kathy Fernandez, Executive Director, Habitat for Humanity, Schenectady As the Executive Director of Habitat for Humanity, … Continue reading Advancing Social Justice One House at a Time (April EBWA program)

My Canine Master Teacher: Lessons on the Power of Intention (May EBWA program)

Unitarian Universalist Society of Schenectady 1221 Wendell Ave, Schenectady, NY

For its May 23rd program, the Evening Branch of the Women's Alliance is hosting speaker Patricia Nugent, author, retired school administrator, and Reiki master. Call it prayer, meditation, visioning, mindfulness, … Continue reading My Canine Master Teacher: Lessons on the Power of Intention (May EBWA program)

Things of My Very Own founder Rayn Boncie presents “No More Monsters” (EBWA’s October program)

Unitarian Universalist Society of Schenectady 1221 Wendell Ave, Schenectady, NY

The Evening Branch of the Women's Alliance's (EBWA's) program for October is “No More Monsters,” presented by Rayn Boncie, CEO/Founder of Things of My Very Own, on Thursday October 24th, … Continue reading Things of My Very Own founder Rayn Boncie presents “No More Monsters” (EBWA’s October program)