How can the arts teach us about our faith? Process theology shows that we are both part of creation and creators as well. Each of us is endowed with the creative spirit that calls for expression.
Wellspring Sacred Arts is an advanced class in the Wellspring program that offers spiritual deepening through the arts. The connection between spirituality and creativity will be explored through an examination of various art forms, our own acts of art-making, and reflections on what art has to teach us about theology and faith.
Previous artistic activity is not a requirement. Participants will be encouraged to take up or continue with a creative practice. Engagement with a spiritual advisor or companion is encouraged to enhance a spiritual practice.
Minimum class size of 6 participants
Facilitators: Bill Flanagan and Sandra Rouse
Retreat Day: Saturday, August 28, 2021, 10 am – 2 pm
Class Meetings on the following Tuesday evenings, 7 – 9 pm: Sept 21; Oct 5, Oct 19; Nov 2, Nov 16, Nov 30; Dec 14, Dec 28; Jan 11, Jan 25; Feb 8, Feb 22; Mar 8, Mar 22; Apr 5, Apr 19; May 3.
You must have access to the Internet for class materials. Some classes will be conducted on Zoom.
Books required:
Faithful Practices. Erik Walker Wikstrom, ed. $18.
Big Magic. Elizabeth Gilbert. $10.
Spiritual Advisor/Companion
Most spiritual advisors charge $50/hr., however many offer a sliding scale. This information will be covered at the retreat.
If you are interested in registering for Wellspring Sacred Arts, click HERE.
UUSS Wellspring Sub-team: Robin Ahearn, AFD; Rosemary Bishop, advisor; Sandra Rouse, Coordinator; Rosie Lewis and Gary Feinland, members.