UUSS sent out 5500 postcards to Texas, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia to mobilize inactive and disenfranchised voters. 75 Members, along with friends and family. Together. We did this! We’ve had 4 Postcard Writing Gatherings, supporting each other, inspiring each other, and reflecting on the process and products. Thank you for being part of UU The Vote with UUSS!
And yet, there is work to be done. Join the Week of Action — October 21-27. Harvest The Power. Together with UUs all over the country.
Let UU The Vote know what actions you’ll be taking personally, and how you’re going to organize your congregation to join you!
Sign the Pledge to join in the actions below!
October 21-27: Host a UU the Vote Phonebank with your Congregation
October 21-27: Prepare for work after Election Day. Watch “Ready and Resilient: Organizing for Nov 3rd and Beyond.”
October 21: National Phonebank to Wisconsin
October 24: National Phonebank to Pennsylvania
October 25: UU the Vote Evening Worship
October 26: Vote Love Pledge Rally with DJ Carmen and special guests
October 27: National Phonebank to Florida
We don’t have all the details yet but let’s pledge and plan!
If you have questions or would like to participate in any of these events, feel free to reach out to Kat Wolfram kmwolfram@gmail.com.
UU The Vote Team