As one of the learning opportunities provided by the Anti-Racism Team, we choose Black, Indigenous, and Authors of color for this book group as a way to: 1) expand our minds and hearts by delving into multicultural, intersectional spaces we might not experience on our own, 2) to financially support and generate wealth for BIPOC authors, 3) understand racism from non-white perspectives toward transformation from a white supremacy culture to a fully anti-racist one.
Thanks to those who have sent book suggestions along. We welcome all newcomers to the book read and discussion. If you’d like to join the team to choose the books, lead a discussion, or offer book suggestions for Black, Indigenous, or Authors of Color, please let us know.
February: Never Caught: The Washingtons’ Relentless Pursuit of Their Runaway Slave, Ona Judge by Erica Armstrong Dunbar. (Note: online discussion of this book will be Monday February 26th from 6-7 pm. For link and other info, contact Kat at
March: Memphis by Tara Stringfellow
April: When We Were Sisters by Shar Khalifeh
May: The Skin & Its Girl by Sara Cypher