Summer Stars K-6 activities For August!

Summer Stars sessions run through Sunday August 27th. Summer Stars is programming geared for children in kindergarten through 6th grade; older children and youth are welcome to come help out. Bring your children to the room next to the dining room before the worship service begins to sign them in, and pick them up shortly after the service ends.

  • August 6 – Spindle-Spinning – Turning wool fleece into yarn with Kay MacLaury and Leigh Augustine. Kay will be bringing her collection of drop spindles for the children to you, but if you have at home, please bring it, in case we need more! Kay is washing plenty fleece this week for everyone who comes to use.
  • August 13 – Fun with Backyard Herbs: there will be a demonstration of making calendula “flower power” skin healing salve, small jars of salve and the recipe will be available to take home. We will play a fishing for “flower power” game and fun prizes will be available. Presented by Donna Jennings and Bridget Almas
  • August 20 – It’s another “Super Science Sunday”! Come be a scientist with Megan and Matt McClearn and do some experiments! Things could get messy, so please have your children dress in play clothes.
  • August 27 – More Art Activities for Children with artist, Ash Trotter. Ash needs an adult assistant for this Sunday. Let Leah know if you’d like to help out and join the fun.