How much is enough? What is too much? Who says so? Why is it different for each of us? Where does your need for x impact my need for y? … Continue reading Enough
How much is enough? What is too much? Who says so? Why is it different for each of us? Where does your need for x impact my need for y? … Continue reading Enough
This year marks the 50th Earth Day. The Earth has much to teach us about presence and resilience. This online service will include a blessing of animals, pets are especially … Continue reading Our Blue Boat Home
Rev. Wendy Bartel & Rev. Lynn Gardner, Tim Olsen, and the Regan’s Let us gather on-line for a multi-generational celebration of Passover and Easter. What do these holy days honouring … Continue reading Rolling Away the Stone
So much is uncertain. So much is in flux. Buddhist Pema Chödrön encourages, that we “develop an appetite for groundlessness.” What if we could do just that? Attend via Zoom … Continue reading Now What?
There will be no in-person, on-site UUSS worship or programming activities through at least April 5, 3pm-no worship; no religious education; no meetings, classes, or groups; no events; no rentals; … Continue reading Whose Future? – See our Service Online
When the culture around us doesn’t encourage us to our best selves, how do we model the kind of world we want to live in? Matt will reflect on the … Continue reading Love the Hell out of this World
Transgender people often struggle with not being accepted in UU congregations, even those that are officially Welcoming. Often the targets of micro-aggressions, discrimination, and transphobia, transgender folks find it challenging … Continue reading The Grace of Acceptance
What does it take to be a hero? How do we know when someone is? Come to worship, stay for the Coming of Age spaghetti lunch, and be entertained and … Continue reading SUUperheroes in Everyday Capes
“There are some things concerning which we must always be maladjusted if we are to be people of good will,” said Rev. Dr. King. Being of good will is not … Continue reading Creative Maladjustment: 2020 Visions of Justice
While many of us are familiar with Dr. King’s work for Civil Rights in the US, particularly in the South, we may not know of his vision for global justice. … Continue reading A World Made New