A Home for Hope
“To thrive, hope requires a home, a sustaining structure of community, meaning and ritual. Only with such a habitation can hope manifest the spiritual stamina it needs to confront evil.” … Continue reading A Home for Hope
“To thrive, hope requires a home, a sustaining structure of community, meaning and ritual. Only with such a habitation can hope manifest the spiritual stamina it needs to confront evil.” … Continue reading A Home for Hope
This is a great weekend to be with others who want the world to change for the better and who know that it won’t change unless we do. Dr. King … Continue reading To Repair What’s Broken: MLK Sunday
As Unitarian Universalists, we know that we are interdependent and we are committed to creating justice and equity. No matter what the results of the election are, how we choose … Continue reading No Matter What
Over the past several weeks, folks at UU Schenectady have been invited to drop a question or two into an email or a box in the Great Hall. On this … Continue reading Live in to the Questions
People in every decade of life have wisdom to share. In this multi-generational service we’ll explore experiences of belonging. We will also honor our ancestors and loved ones who have … Continue reading Decades of Wisdom
‘The one constant is change,’ so the saying goes. We sometimes have some say in how or when changes happen and sometimes, it happens to us without our consent. We’ll … Continue reading Change on Our Earthly Journeys
The world’s religions and philosophies have different things to say about death, but something that transcends those varied teachings is that we are all going to die and we will … Continue reading Honoring Our Ancestors
In the Christian story, Easter is a story of transformation: death into life, despair into hope. The hope that rises up in our hearts in this season is a new … Continue reading Awaken & Rise
In his song, “Everything is Holy Now,” Peter Mayer suggests that finding a miracle isn’t difficult… that the challenge is finding where there isn’t one. How might we be changed … Continue reading With a Reverent Air
As we acknowledge those who have died, how can we practice compassion for the ancestors who were challenging? How can we practice compassion for ourselves and others when grief feels … Continue reading Honouring our Ancestors with Compassion