The Power of Forgiveness
Forgiveness is a choice, not an obligation. Why should we choose to forgive? Because forgiveness is a way of reducing suffering. Join us, during the Jewish High Holy Days, just … Continue reading The Power of Forgiveness
Forgiveness is a choice, not an obligation. Why should we choose to forgive? Because forgiveness is a way of reducing suffering. Join us, during the Jewish High Holy Days, just … Continue reading The Power of Forgiveness
Unitarian Universalists celebrate water communion in many ways. Bring a little bit of water that is from or symbolizes your summer ponderings and adventures. Bring your whole self as we … Continue reading Rivers of Grace: Water Communion and Ingathering
Who are we called to be? What are we called to do? This Unitarian Universalist faith invites us each and invites us all to become our best selves, to build … Continue reading Another Possibility Waiting
On this first Candidating Sunday, we’ll get to know the co-ministers a bit as they share who they are and their calling to ministry. We will lean in to the … Continue reading Perfectly Imperfect: Life in the Arena
We gather as two congregations (Catskills and Schenectady,) and honour the complex emotions of the season and the role that music can have in our lives. All are welcome. For … Continue reading Blues in December
We celebrate the summer solstice with light and shadow, story, drumming, & poetry.
We’ll look to the Earth for lessons on balance and renewal, as we honour the Spring Equinox and welcome the presence of hope and deeper connection. All will begin in … Continue reading Renewal and Balance