Who Tells the Story?
Seven weeks. Who tells the story, matters. Whose voices are heard and whose are ignored; whose stories are lifted up and whose are deemed dangerous? We have a part in … Continue reading Who Tells the Story?
Seven weeks. Who tells the story, matters. Whose voices are heard and whose are ignored; whose stories are lifted up and whose are deemed dangerous? We have a part in … Continue reading Who Tells the Story?
“To thrive, hope requires a home, a sustaining structure of community, meaning and ritual. Only with such a habitation can hope manifest the spiritual stamina it needs to confront evil.” … Continue reading A Home for Hope
This is a great weekend to be with others who want the world to change for the better and who know that it won’t change unless we do. Dr. King … Continue reading To Repair What’s Broken: MLK Sunday
So much can be broken or in need of healing: relationships, our bodies, our spirits. How might we be part of moving toward healing and repair? How might we care … Continue reading Journeys of Healing & Repair
What are the ingredients needed for nourishing community and how do we measure them? All are welcome for this multigenerational service. For video of the homily from this worship service, … Continue reading Measure in Love
Many of us are worried for our nation and also for people we love. So much is at odds with our Unitarian Universalist values which is why it matters that … Continue reading What Holds Us Together
What lessons might we learn from the beautiful, complex, and/or difficult lives of those who have died? How might we remember with tenderness and honesty? All are welcome to bring … Continue reading Remembering our Ancestors
Bréne Brown uses the phrase ‘strong backs, soft fronts, and wild hearts’ in relationship to belonging. What might we have to learn about what is in order to open to … Continue reading What Is, What Could Be
This Sunday, we begin a new year togetherin the ever-changing river of life. You are invited to bring water (or pour some from the pitchers that will be available) to … Continue reading In-Gathering: Water Communion Service
What do butterflies, bridges, and belonging have in common? They will all be part of this Sunday’s service when we welcome the congregation’s newest members, acknowledge volunteers in the Religious … Continue reading To Build the Common Good