The Deal on Those Days

Gather with thousands of UUs from all over the country as we livestream the annual Sunday worship service of the UUA General Assembly, which is occurring this year in Portland Oregon.

Worship leaders Rev. Gretchen Haley, Rev. Shari Halliday-Quan, Rev. Sean Neil-Barron, Lea Morris, Adam Podd, Joseph and Aimee Santos-Lyons, and Allison King (with the GA Choir) will explore the role of the local church today. They explain, “In the midst of our culture of death, the church is a place of life. Or it is, as long as we are willing to bring our own lives to it. Join us for a morning of celebration, witness, and future-visioning for the already and not yet power of the local Unitarian Universalist church.”

If you want to be a part of the livestream watch party in the Great Hall at UUSS, feel free to arrive by 12:15 pm Eastern Time, as we’ll begin the livestream then so that we can hear the gathering music. The official service begins at 12:30 Eastern Time.

Or, if you prefer to watch the service online, you can join the UUSS Sunday worship Zoom by clicking HERE after 12:15 Eastern Time.

If you have questions, contact UUSS Congregational Life Coordinator Kristin Cleveland at or (518)374-4446 X7.