The Day We Have Been Given ~ Celebration Sunday

The Stewardship Team invites YOU to Celebration Sunday. All are welcome! The morning will include activities for kids, music from the Choir and Pete Gernert-Dott and Bill Flanagan, and an opportunity to make a financial pledge for the next fiscal year, and it will be followed by delicious treats as we Connect through Love and Nurture the Flame! Join in person, masked, in the Great Hall, or on Zoom.

The Rev. Lauren Smith was appointed Director of Stewardship and Development at the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) in February 2019. She oversees the UUA’s fundraising efforts, including the Annual Program Fund contributions from member congregations.

Lauren’s ties to Unitarian Universalism stretch back five generations.  Her great great grandfather William Hazel was born a free black person in North Carolina and became a member of the First Parish in Cambridge after his family fled north prior to the Civil War. Her UU connections stretch into the future, as well. She and her husband, the Rev. Chris Holton Jablonski, have three children, ages six, eleven, and fourteen who love the UU congregations in which they have grown up!

If you choose to participate in this Sunday’s worship service online, click HERE on Sunday morning. If you plan to participate in person, there is no limit to numbers of attendees, but it would be very much appreciated if you would click here ahead of time to let us know you are coming: In person attendees over the age of two must wear masks.

If you have questions about the service, Unitarian Universalism, or the UU Society of Schenectady (UUSS), contact UUSS Congregational Life Coordinator Kristin Cleveland at