Remember, Release, Resolve: Beginning with Love at the Center

We’ll gather to remember 2023, release what we do not wish to carry forward, and resolve to become even more of who we are called to be so that we can begin this new year with love at the center. We will also acknowledge with gratitude, Leah Purcell and her time as Interim DLRE. (This service was going to take place last week, and was postponed until the 14th because of the snowstorm.)

UUSS worship services are held in-person in the Great Hall, and also online. To join in the worship service online via Zoom, click HERE on Sunday morning.

UUSS building mask status: masks are now optional, and are always welcome.

If you have questions about the service, Unitarian Universalism, or the UU Society of Schenectady (UUSS), contact UUSS Congregational Life Coordinator Kristin Cleveland at