Living Love Out Loud

The natural world is a generous place, blessing us with beauty, nourishment and endowing each of us with a unique sense of place. Just as seeds are lavishly flung forth to grow and bloom, how can we too be bearers of love, strengthening our values in the world? What does it mean to live love out loud?

About the guest minister: the Rev. Vail Weller (she/her) is a Pittsburgh, PA native and lifelong Unitarian Universalist. She has served congregations in West Virginia, Michigan and most recently San Mateo, CA where she lives with her husband, children, father, and dog. She is now Senior Philanthropic Advisor at our Unitarian Universalist Association.

For a video of the worship service welcome and Rev. Vail’s homily, click here.

If you have questions about the service, Unitarian Universalism, or the UU Society of Schenectady (UUSS), contact UUSS Congregational Life Coordinator Kristin Cleveland at