As the days unfold we see more and more laws, both formal and social, being broken, disregarded, or ignored by people in authority. This time-period asks a lot of us, including a stance to rule compliance and breaking that may challenge who we are and who we know ourselves to be. How do we navigate the unfair and unjust laws while keeping ourselves safe? How can spirituality and faith guide us through these waters and ground us to the long history of resistance?
UUSS worship services are held in-person in the Great Hall, and also online. To join in the worship service online via Zoom, click HERE on Sunday morning.
UUSS building mask status: masks are now optional, and are always welcome.
If you have questions about the service, Unitarian Universalism, or the UU Society of Schenectady (UUSS), contact UUSS Congregational Life Coordinator Kristin Cleveland at clc at