Awaken & Rise

In the Christian story, Easter is a story of transformation: death into life, despair into hope. The hope that rises up in our hearts in this season is a new opportunity to awaken, and another chance for grace and liberation!

All ages are welcome. An egg hunt in the back garden will follow the service.

Services are now being held both in person in the UUSS Great Hall, and online via Zoom. In-person attendees over the age of two must wear masks.

If you choose to participate in this Sunday’s worship service online via Zoom, click HERE on Sunday morning.

Or, if you plan to participate in person, there is no limit to numbers of attendees, but it would be very much appreciated if you would click here ahead of time to let us know you are coming: 

If you have questions about the service, Unitarian Universalism, or the UU Society of Schenectady (UUSS), contact UUSS Congregational Life Coordinator Kristin Cleveland at