Schenectady’s Leading Ladies: A Tour with the Schenectady County Historical Society

The June program for EBWA, the Evening Branch of the Women’s Alliance is “Schenectady’s Leading Ladies: A Tour with the Schenectady County Historical Society.” It will be held on Thursday June 16 at 5pm.

(followed by a “bring your own bag supper and chair” behind the Historical Society building)

Tour: “Through the first three centuries of Schenectady’s past, gender roles often hid women from historical memory. However, a careful look reveals the real and remarkable ways women shaped our city. This tour introduces you to a few of Schenectady’s foremost women.” — All who identify as women are welcome to join us for what promises to be an interesting and informative program.

We will meet at 5pm at the Schenectady County Historical Society, 32 Washington Avenue. There is limited parking behind the building and more parking on the street. Those who are not members of the Historical Society will pay a $12 fee for the tour; members do not pay a fee. The tour will take about an hour and involves walking on adjacent streets. Networking (when each woman may share something of interest with the group) will begin after the tour, while we eat our bag suppers and sit on our own chairs on the lawn overlooking the Mohawk River behind the Historical Society.

For those who plan to attend the tour, please email Gabrielle Reals at by Monday, June 13th. Reservations are not required but will allow us to know how many people to expect. You can come even if you do not notify Gabrielle in advance. — In case of light rain, bring an umbrella. If heavy rain is forecast, the program will be cancelled and you’ll be notified by email.

EBWA Programs for 2022-2023: We are working on next year’s programs and will post a calendar of upcoming programs in September.