March 25th EBWA program: Running for Office

“Somebody’s Gotta Do It!,” Adrienne Martini, District 12 Representative, Otsego County Board, speaking on Thursday March 25th, 7-9 pm.
For the March 25 meeting of EBWA, the Evening Branch of the Women’s Alliance, Adrienne Martini will speak on the topic of her latest book, Somebody’s Gotta Do It: Why Cursing at the News Won’t Save the Nation, But Your Name on a Local Ballot Can. After the 2016 Presidential election, Adrienne was looking for a way to get involved in politics. She had in mind volunteering to make phone calls or do fund raising, but instead she was encouraged to run for office. She will talk about the importance of local elected officials, what has changed since Covid, and why she chose to run for office in 2018 (and 2020).
When not wearing her county government hat, Adrienne works for SUNY Oneonta in the alumni office, where she produces the alumni magazine and ancillary publications. She has also taught in both the theater and communications departments at SUNY Oneonta and in the English department at Hartwick College. She is the author of several books and has freelanced for a number of publications. She lives in Oneonta, NY, where she is an active member of the Unitarian Universalist Society. All women are welcome to join us on Zoom for what promises to be a fascinating program.
Since our meetings this year are only being offered virtually, if you are not already on the Zoom list, to receive an invitation to join the program on Zoom, please email Gabrielle Reals at by Monday, March 22. If you have never used Zoom before, this tutorial created by the Treasure Coast Unitarian Universalist Church in Stuart, FL will tell you how to do it:  Zoom Tutorial from TCUUC. After you download a free Zoom account, if you need help, contact Judy Clough at  (Best to do this well before the March 25 meeting.)
Sign into the meeting between 6:50 and 7:00 PM.  After welcoming remarks, the speaker will be introduced at 7:15. Following the presentation, there will be time for questions. Networking (when each woman may share something of interest with the group) will begin around 8:15, and the meeting will end no later than 9 PM.
To see the complete calendar of EBWA programs for 2020-2021, please click here.