Religious Education This Week: Sept 29-Oct 6

RE registration 2020 is here! Click HERE to register for this year’s virtual RE classes, which will begin October 11th (the week after the 10/4 RE kick-off).

RE Kick-off! Last call for all Children, Youth, and Teachers to participate in the October 4th Talent/No Talent RE Kick-off! The Kick-off will begin at 1 pm, with a rehearsal beginning at 12:30. Click here to sign up for the talent show: or contact DLRE Robin Ahearn at or (607) 435-2803 (call or text). Performances may include singing, dancing, instrumentals, poetry, artwork, photography, comedy, skits, story telling, silly face making, tongue curling, etc. All skill levels are welcome.
RE 2020-2021: Some of our RE classes will begin Sunday, October 11.  Not all classes will meet on the same Sundays in an effort to balance Zoom needs. Details about which classes start when will be included in next week’s Circuits. Senior Youth (grades 9-12) will continue meeting regularly on Sundays at noon. Email Robin Ahearn for Zoom link.
RE class times will vary this year so as to keep the 10:30 slot open for services only. For instance, the K/1/2 class, Moral Tales, will meet on various Sundays at 9:30. Our other RE classes this year are grades 3/4/5, CartUUns; grades 6/7/8, March; and grades 9-12, our Senior Youth. Classes will meet a bit less frequently and for shorter periods of time
than the in-person classes have in the past, as we know our children, youth, teachers, and parents will likely be spending a great deal of time in front of their screens. Please note that all plans are tentative and subject to change given the extraordinary times we’re living in. If something isn’t working or attendance is really low, we’ll likely make changes to try to make RE work the best it can for as many people as possible. Click HERE for additional information about each of the classes being offered.
RE Teachers: There’s a virtual teacher orientation scheduled for all RE teachers on October 6 at 7 pm. This group orientation will be followed up with individual teaching team meetings to best prepare for this RE year and the needs of each of the classes. I’ll be sending a teacher email soon and will include a link to the orientation at that time.