Religious Education This Week – October 27th

RE registration 2020 is here! Thank you to everyone who’s already registered. If you haven’t had a chance to do so yet, here’s the link to register for this year’s virtual RE classes:
K/1/2 Moral Tales will meet this Sunday, 11/1, at 9:30.
3/4/5 CartUUns will meet again Sunday, 11/8, at 9:30.
6/7/8 March will meet again this Sunday, 11/1, at 7 pm.
Senior Youth (grades 9-12) will continue meeting on Sundays at noon.
Director of Lifespan Religious Education Robin Ahearn will be attending the Seaway LREDA Retreat (Liberal Religious Educators Association) Wednesday and Thursday of this week, 10/28 and 10/29. If you have any urgent RE-related concerns while she’s away, please contact Congregational Life Coordinator Kristin Cleveland at
Come, join us this Friday, 10/30, for a virtual Halloween Campfire and spooky stories! See the announcement below.
Please remember to wear a mask, socially distance, breathe deeply, run and play, and wash your hands! -Robin Ahearn, Director of Lifespan Religious Education