Religious Education This Week – Nov 3rd

A big THANK YOU to everybody involved with our Halloween celebration, from the Fun for UUSS Team and our fabulous co-ministers to everyone who attended! It was SO MUCH fun!
With today being Election Day, please know you’re all being held gently in our hearts. Be kind to yourselves, go outside if you’re able and breathe the fresh air, exercise if you’re able, drink plenty of water, play, read, make music, whatever brings you comfort. Wishing you patience and peace.
“My prayers for these stressful days
Have become sharpened. Unadorned.
A single word to the bereaved and
Wailing Mother God – mercy.
Two words to
The infant child God, on trial in
an unjust system–
Tender love. And for the God who
is not a
White, robed, bearded father, but
a migrant laborer
Daddy, with a red baseball cap,
who only cries
When he thinks no one can see,
not a word, but
A silent squeeze of his calloused
hand to telegraph
Reconciliation, wholeness. There
was a time when
More words brought comfort, but
now my heart
Wants most to be true. Ready for
resistance by
Unapologetic clarity and fueled
by moving toward
A future in which we have made
all of us free.
-Holy Quiet”
Upcoming RE Classes:
K/1/2 Moral Tales will meet again Sunday, 11/15, at 9:30.
3/4/5 CartUUns will meet again this Sunday, 11/8, at 9:30.
6/7/8 March will meet again Sunday, 11/15, at 7 pm.
Senior Youth (grades 9-12) will continue meeting on Sundays at noon.
Please remember to wear a mask, socially distance, breathe deeply, run and play, and wash your hands! -Robin Ahearn, Director of Lifespan Religious Education