Religious Education this Week – May 19th

I hope y’all were able to attend this past Sunday’s Coming of Age service!  Eight of our COA Youth participated in the service and shared their credos (faith statements) with the congregation.  There was music, laughter, tears, and lots of wonderful insight.  And hope.  So much hope.  These youth now join our Senior Youth, bringing this hope, and new ideas and stories to share. In this time of uncertainty, being with these youth while they prepared and then shared their credos, left me filled with tremendous pride and hope, knowing that simply by their being, they will indeed make this world a better place.  We are blessed.
Story Time for Youngin’s takes place on Tuesdays at 6:30 pm.  It runs about 30 minutes and is geared toward younger children as they prepare for dream land.  Our guest reader this week is Maia Regan!
Grades 2 and 3, our Keepers of the Earth class, will meet again onSunday, 5/24, at 9:30.
Grades 4 and 5, our UU and Harry class, will meet Sunday morning, 6/14, at 9:30.
Grades 6 and 7, Building Bridges, will be meeting again soon.
Coming of Age Youth (8/9) have completed their program–thank you to everyone who made this experience possible–the advisors, Erin Piotrowski and Melissa MacKinnon; volunteers Betsy Bitner, Mati Grieco-Hackett, Ernie Hall, Scott Horgen, Ed Kautz, Randy Jennings, and Kevin O’Connor; our ministers, Lynn and Wendy; parents and guardians; and, of course, the awesome 8th and 9th grade Coming of Age participants!
Grades 10, 11, and 12, our Senior Youth, meet Sundays at 1.  The Zoom link for their time together will be shared with them and their parents by their advisors.
Remember to get some fresh air, wash your hands, and please stay healthy and safe!
Robin Ahearn, Director Lifespan Religious Education at