Religious Education This Week – March 5th

Sunday, 3/10 (Be sure to turn your clocks ahead!): The K/1 OWL Parent Orientation will take place in the K/1 classroom! K/1 Children will meet in the dining hall where they will play and be supervised while parents and caregivers attend their orientation. 5/6 OWL Children will go directly to their classroom in Waters House. The 7/8 You the Creator class will not be having class on this date. Everyone else will begin in the Great Hall and stay through Story for All Ages. Following SFAA, Children and Youth will meet in the church entryway and be led across the street to their Waters House classrooms. There will be a Sr Youth Activity and Parent Circle, led by Revs Lynn and Wendy, beginning around noon–stay tuned for more information!

Sunday, 3/17: K/1 OWL and 5/6 OWL Children and Youth will go directly to their classrooms. Everyone else will begin in the Great Hall and stay through Story for All Ages. Following SFAA, Children and Youth will meet in the church entryway and be led across the street to their Waters House classrooms. Stick around after church, as there will be lots of fun goings on!

The Nursery is available for children five and under during services. As always, all Children and Youth are welcome to attend worship services.

Aninger Fund: The Aninger Fund is a trust fund created for the sole purpose of supporting leadership opportunities for the junior and senior youth of our congregation. Some excellent opportunities are available through UUA (Unitarian Universalist Association) and CERG (Central East Regional Group) and include but are not limited to: River Rising (formerly GoldMine), General Assembly, District Assembly, Summer Seminary for Youth, Multicultural Leadership School (youth), and youth conferences.

There have been a few changes to the Aninger Scholarship application process. The spring deadline for both individual AND group applications has changed to May 1st, for review at the May RE Team meeting. Applications received after the May 1st deadline will not be considered until the fall (if they are still relevant). The fall deadline for both the individual AND group applications has changed to November 1st, for review at the November RE Team meeting. Applications received after the November 1st deadline will not be considered until the spring (if they are still relevant). Applications may be downloaded through the UUSS website: Applications should be submitted to Robin Ahearn, Director of Lifespan Religious Education.

Youth Con: The UUSS will be hosting a youth “con” (conference) for the Central East Region the weekend of 3/29-3/31. We are still in need of a few stay-awake adults/chaperones to cover either an 11 pm-3 am shift or a 3 am-7 am shift, Friday or Saturday night. We need three adults for each shift. Below is the link to sign up to volunteer: Many hands make light work! Please help make this a successful con!

River Rising: River Rising (formerly GoldMine) is coming to Schenectady this summer!! River Rising Youth (entering grades 9-12 this summer) will spend a week creating community and learning to care for that community spiritually, pastorally and physically. They will have conversations about how Unitarian, Universalist and Unitarian Universalist values influence their own sense of purpose and work on articulating their own faith based values. Leadership will be approached as a continual process of self reflection, group processing and practice work. There will also be time for fun, just hanging out and playing together! August 18-24. If cost is a concern, note that scholarships can be available thru the UUA-CER office, plus UUSS youth can apply to the Aninger fund for financial support! There also be a session in Sate College, PA, July 28-August 3. For more information, visit

If you have any questions, contact Director of Lifespan Religious Education Robin Ahearn at (607) 435-2803 or dlre@uuschenectady.