Religious Education this Week – June 11th

If you weren’t at this past Sunday’s bridging service, you may want to check out some recent Facebook posts–several photos and videos from the service have been posted! It was a beautiful, thoughtful, moving service, full of hope and love. Our graduating senior youth officially “bridged” to young adult status. They described their pasts, plans for their future, and the meaning that UUSS holds in their lives and hearts. Lots of laughter and tears! Lots of promise for the future! Wishing all of our Bridgers much joy and faith–in themselves and in their spiritual home–as they endeavor to pursue their dreams!

Sunday, 6/16: 5/6 OWL will begin in the church and stay through the prelude. Following the prelude, the 5/6 OWL children will be led across the street to their Waters House classroom for their final OWL class of the year! Everyone else is invited to attend the service.

The Nursery is available for children five and under during services. As always, all Children and Youth are welcome to attend worship services. (Interviewing for childcare providers is going very well–we have a few promising candidates we hope will begin soon! Thank you for your patience during the nursery staffing challenges these last couple of weeks!)

Summer RE for grades K-6 will begin June 30th. Would you like to help out with one or more of the summer sessions? If so, contact Director of Lifespan Religious Education Robin Ahearn.

River Rising! Some scholarship $$ still available! Central East Region’s new leadership school is happening July 28-August 3 at State College, PA, and August 18-24, here at UUSS! It’s for youth who will be in 9th-12th grades in the 2019/2020 school year. During this week in community youth will be challenged, learn together, create sacred space, deepen their UU values and build friendships that will last beyond the week. Among other highlights they’re planning a river trip! Registration is $525 before June 15 and matching congregation scholarships are available through CER for up to half. For more information and registration links: To read how River Rising differs from Goldmine (the previous CER leadership school) see this blog post:

If you have any questions, contact DLRE Robin Ahearn at (607) 435-2803 or

DLRE Robin Ahearn will be out of the office, attending General Assembly in Spokane, WA, 6/17-6/25. If you need help during her absence, contact Congregational Life Coordinator Kristin Cleveland at