We hope you’ll join us for the 12/15 and 12/22 multigenerational services as religious education opportunities, as well as the December 24th candlelight service, which will take place at 7 pm. There will be no RE on 12/29. RE will resume 1/5/20!
Chalica: Last week was the UU celebration of Chalica, which is a week long holiday celebrating the Seven UU Principles. It is a time of reflection, community, and living our faith. Chalica begins on the first Monday in December and lasts seven days. Each day, a chalice is lit and the day is spent reflecting on the meaning of that day’s principle and doing a good deed that honors that principle.
I posted information to Facebook the first several days of Chalica but had technical problems with it the last few and so wasn’t able to post. While the official days of Chalica may have passed, reflecting on the meaning of each principle and doing good deeds that honor our principles is good practice every day! You might want to consider incorporating this practice in with your other holiday traditions. Here’s a link to a couple of related UU World articles: https://www.uuworld.org/occasion/chalicailluumination.
The Nursery is available for children five and under during services. As always, all Children and Youth are welcome to attend worship services.