Religious Education this Week: August 6th

A big THANK YOU to Jenny, Vinay, and Avvai Lippmann for leading Summer RE this past Sunday! Lots of colorful finger weaving and friendship bracelets were made and shared! Some of the children had techniques of their own that they shared with the group. It’s amazing how many different ways there are to make friendship bracelets! It’s also a great meditative activity and can be fun on road trips.

Summer Religious Education Continues! All Children, grades K-5th, will meet at Waters House from 10:30 through the end of service. Come, join the fun!

Still to come…

August 11: Nature Art with Lyndsi Holmes-Wickert and Mati!

August 18: Naturalist Walk in the spirit of Henry David Thoreau with Mati and Robin. Bring your curiosity and outdoor attire (dress for the weather!).

The Nursery is available for children five and under during services. As always, all Children and Youth are welcome to attend worship services.

As the Religious Education program is a cooperative endeavor, volunteers are needed. Volunteer options include teaching classes as part of a teaching team, filling in as a substitute teacher (no curriculum preparation is necessary for being a substitute), assisting in a Religious Education classroom, and offering an extra pair of hands to help with crafts or other activities. Contact Director of Lifespan Religious Education (DLRE) Robin Ahearn at for more information about volunteering.

Registration for fall RE is now open! To register your child or youth, click here