Religious Education this Week – August 27th

Please register now for 2019-20 Religious Education classes by clicking HERE.
If you’d like to see class descriptions CLICK HERE.
The multigenerational fall Ingathering Service, followed by an all-congregation Picnic, is Sunday September 8, and RE classes will begin Sunday September 15!
Attn RE Teachers: Teacher Prep Day is scheduled for Saturday September 14 at 9 am in the church dining room. Please be sure to mark your calendars!

Retraction: In my Circuits piece about DRE training in NJ last week, I incorrectly stated that Paula Cole Jones is a former UUA president; she is actually a former DRUUMM president (Diverse and Revolutionary Unitarian Universalist Multicultural Ministries).

Questions? Email Robin Ahearn, Director of Lifespan Religious Education, at