Religious Education This Week – April 30th

Sunday, 5/5: All Children and Youth will go directly to their classrooms at 10:30 where they will remain until 11:50 for full-session RE classes.

Sunday, 5/12: K/1 OWL and 5/6 OWL Children will go directly to their classrooms at 10:30. Everyone else will begin in the Great Hall and stay through Story for All Ages. Following SFAA, Children and Youth will meet in the church entryway and be led across the street to their Waters House classrooms.

The Nursery is available for children five and under during services. As always, all Children and Youth are welcome to attend worship services.

We are looking for folks interested in becoming OWL trained! OWL stands for Our Whole Lives and is a wonderful, comprehensive sexuality education program. If you’d like to be able to teach OWL and make a difference in some of our youngest UU’s lives, please consider attending a training. If you’re interested, contact DLRE Robin Ahearn for more information! Training expenses will be covered by the UUSS. The following is a list of upcoming trainings:

Elementary OWL (Kindergarten-1st grade and 5th-6th grade), 8/23-8/25, First Unitarian Congregational Society, Brooklyn, NY Elementary OWL (Kindergarten-1st grade and 5th-6th grade), 6/21-6/23, UU Church of Annapolis MD 7th-8th grade OWL, 5/3-5/5, The Walker Center for Ecumenical Exchange, Auburndale, MA (just outside of Boston) 7th-8th grade OWL, 8/23-8/25, May Memorial UU, Syracuse, NY

Adult Faith Development: Interested in teaching a class or leading a workshop? If there’s a course you’re thinking you would like to see or take and would like to discuss this with AFD, we would welcome your input. Contact DLRE Robin Ahearn at or AFD Chair Allison Lee at

Our Director of Lifespan Religious Education: DLRE Robin Ahearn was recently accepted into the RE Credentialing Program. The RECP is a three-year intensive course of study, which nurtures the call to religious education as a profession, provides a comprehensive path for professional development, and articulates and upholds professional standards and guidelines. The Program is designed for working professionals who are ready to commit to an intentional course of study and evaluation. If you’re interested in learning more about the RECP,

Benefits to the professional and the congregation include:

* Stronger, more vital RE programs and multigenerational ministries * A religious educator with demonstrated knowledge and skill in the many areas of RE leadership * Assurance that the religious educator has met professional development standards and is held accountable to professional ethics guidelines by the UUA * Enhanced collegial relationships among staff members as the religious educator seeks to deepen and broaden professional and program development, * Recognition by the UUA as a congregation that supports and values professional excellence.

Julie Rigano: Former DLRE Julie Rigano has reached out regarding reconnecting with folks at the UUSS. It has been 15 months since Julie moved to Philly, so feel free to reconnect if you’d like.

If you have any questions, contact Director of Lifespan Religious Education Robin Ahearn at (607) 435-2803 or

The Director of Lifespan Religious Education will be out of the office for professional development Monday, 5/6 – Sunday, 5/12.