Religious Education This Week – April 2nd

Sunday, 4/7: Everyone is invited to attend the 10th Annual Hudson-Mohawk Cluster Service (Albany, Glens Falls, Kingston, Saratoga Springs, and Schenectady) at 11:00 am, at Doane Stuart School in Rensselaer. Childcare will be provided. 7/8 OWL and 11/12 OWL evening classes will take place at church at the usual time.

Sunday, 4/14: K/1 OWL and 5/6 OWL Children will go directly to their classrooms at 10:30. Everyone else will begin in the Great Hall and stay through Story for All Ages. Following the story, Children and Youth will meet in the church entryway and be led across the street to their Waters House classrooms. 7/8 OWL will not meet 4/14; 11/12 OWL will meet in the Dining Room at the usual time; 11/12 OWL parents and guardians are welcome to meet in the Emerson Room during their class time, as our Family Promise guests will be staying in Waters House from 4/14-4/21.

The Nursery is available for children five and under during services. As always, all Children and Youth are welcome to attend worship services.

Bake Sale Results! The Love Connects Us class (grades 2/3/4) held a bake sale this past Sunday, 3/31, and collected $298! Thank you to everyone who purchased something yummy. All proceeds to benefit SiCM (Schenectady Community Ministries), an organization chosen by the Love Connects Us class. SiCM is a partnership of 52 congregations for ministries of social service and social justice. SiCM addresses public health needs such as food insecurity and nutrition education, racism and diversity concerns, and summer recreation through community collaborations, services, and programs.

Youth Con Gratitude! Thank you to everyone who helped out with last weekend’s youth conference! There were lots of moving parts and it all came together beautifully with the help of so many of you! It was such a gift to be able to share this experience with our Youth and their guests, from as far away as the state of MD! From midnight worship to coffee house talent, from lovingly-prepared meals to laser-tag challenges, our Youth and their guests had an opportunity to reach beyond their everyday activities and embrace their true selves. It was truly beautiful!

Easter Flowers! Would you like an opportunity to honor someone special in your life? We will once again be adorning the chancel with beautiful spring flowers on Easter Sunday, 4/21, to be distributed to Children and Youth during the service. This year, you’re invited to make a donation of $5 in memory or in honor of someone special to you! Names of honorees and donors will be published in the Easter Sunday order of service. Please make checks payable to UUSS, with “Easter Flowers” in the memo line; please also be sure to clearly write the name(s) of those you’d like to honor.

If you have any questions, contact Director of Lifespan Religious Education Robin Ahearn at (607) 435-2803 or