Religious Education programming for Children & Youth this Sunday, 1/26/25

This Sunday, January 26, students return to their regularly scheduled religious education classes:

Children 5 and under: Nursery is open 10:15-12.
K/1/2: After attending worship in the Great Hall through the Time for All Ages, meet in the K/1/2 room.
3/4/5/6: After attending worship in the Great Hall through the Time for All Ages, head over to Waters House.
Coming of Age: Go straight to Waters House at 10:30.
yoUUth 360: From 6:30-8:30 PM on Sunday night, meet in Waters House. This week: All About Service. Let’s get ready to serve!
All children are always welcome in the Great Hall for worship. There is also a speaker in the Fireplace Room, so children and parents/caregivers can be in a space together where they can hear the worship service and also move around, do puzzles, play games, etc.

Feel free to contact HB, your Director of Lifespan Religious Education, for more information or to chat about life and things in general.