You’re Simply the Best
Thanks to those who answered my call last week, Summer Stars is now fully scheduled! If you’d like to spend a Sunday assisting our guest teacher of the week, though, we still have the room — and the need — for you! Email HB at dlre at for more information! You ROCK!!!!
RE for Children and Youth (RE4CY) highlights for this Sunday, June 23:
- Nursery for children 5 and under
- Multigenerational service: General Assembly Worship
RE4CY calendar at-a-glance:
- June 30: Summer Stars begins–kids start in the worship service on this day, and then after the time for all ages, go with their Summer Stars leader to the RE program.
- July 7-September 1: Summer Stars programs!
Are you signed up to receive the RE update? It comes out on Thursdays, gives more detail, and has a new look! Email HB at dlre at to receive this excellent source of information.