Religious Education News – week of Sunday Oct. 8

This Sunday, October 8th is our first Faithful Funday. Everyone will gather in for the first part of the service in the Great Hall and then children in grades kindergarten through 7th grade will go across the street to Waters House.

  • Childcare for infants through Pre-school aged children will be in the nursery
  • 8/9th Grade OWL will meet at 10:30 in their basement classroom in the main building
  • During the Faithful Funday, Leah will lead the children in activities to become acquainted with each other, and to become familiar with the second floor of Waters House where we will have Faithful Fundays and Children’s Chapels this year.
  • Leah Purcell, our Interim DLRE needs volunteers to help her this Sunday. Contact her at
  • High School Youth Group members are invited to help out with the Faithful Funday or they may attend the service.

Parents/Caregivers, click here to enroll your children in RE, if you haven’t already. Registration is required for children who attend nursery through youth in 12th grade.

RE October Calendar:

15 – classes for K-7th; Youth Group meets (no 8/9th  OWL)

22 – classes for K-7th and 8/9th OWL; No Youth Group

29 – Multigen worship – No OWL or Youth Group