Religious Education News – Nov. 1st

K-3 Wonderful Welcome: will meet next on Sunday, 11/13! K-3rd grade Children will begin in the Great Hall with their families and stay through the Story for All Ages, when they will join their teachers and head to their classroom in the church hallway, next to the dining hall.
4-6 Love Connects Us: will meet next on Sunday, 11/13! 4th-6th grade Children will begin in the Great Hall with their families and stay through the Story for All Ages, when they will join their teachers and head to their large 2nd-floor classroom across the street at Waters House.
The UUSS Nursery!
Childcare for children 5 and under is available from 10-12 on Sundays!
We still have some nursery staff positions available. If you know someone 18 or older who is fabulous with children and might like to earn a little extra cash, please have them contact the Director of Lifespan RE at
The Religious Education Team Needs You!
The RE Team is in need of a couple of additional members. We typically meet once a month, either in person or via Zoom, and we work together to explore big-picture plans for the Children and Youth of RE, as well as support the director of lifespan religious education. If you’d like to support RE by being a part of the RE Team, please contact the Director of Lifespan RE at