Registration is open for 2021-22 UU Wellspring Sources & Sacred Arts courses

UU Sources — Is this the year you deepen your faith? Since 2010, UU Schenectady has offered a range of 6 different Wellspring classes. UU Sources is the foundational class for all other Wellspring classes. Through assignments and interactions, the Sources curriculum enables participants to deepen their own understanding of UU values; gain a deeper commitment to their own values; and enter into a deeper connection with fellow participants.
Classes are co-facilitated by Chrissy Bisceglia and Jennifer Fredericks. This class begins with a retreat on September 11th, and then meets specific Wednesday evenings September 2021-June, 2022. For dates and a full description of course content please click HERE. To register, click HERE.
UU Sacred Arts: How can the Arts Teach about our Faith? Process theology shows that we are both part of creation and creators as well. Each of us is endowed with the creative spirit that calls for expression. UUSS Wellspring Sacred Arts is an advanced Wellspring class that offers spiritual awakening through the arts. Previous artistic activity is not a requirement. It is suggested that you have taken at least one advanced UU Wellspring class in the past.
Through class assignments and interactions, you will be begin to explore the connection between spirituality and the arts. Participants are encouraged to take up or continue with a creative practice. Classes are co-facilitated by Bill Flanagan and Sandra Rouse.
Wellspring Sacred Arts begins with a retreat on August 28, 2021, and then classes will be held specific Tuesday evenings from September 2021-May 2022. For dates and a full description of course content please click HERE . To register click HERE .
If questions or concerns about either the UU Wellspring Sources course or the UU Wellspring Sacred Arts course, contact Sandra Rouse, Wellspring Coordinator, at