Register Now for UU Wellspring 2022-2023

UU Wellspring is a 10-month spiritual deepening course. Group members experience deep listening and spiritual reflection in small groups of about ten, inspiring personal and community transformation. Participants read, view and respond to pre-session assignments that are focused on spiritual topics and UU Theology. This year we are offering 2 courses at UUSS:

UU Wellspring Sources:
September 2022 to June 2023,
Tuesdays 6:30-8:30pm
Facilitated by Catherine Miller
and Sue Cloninger
Sources is a prerequisite for all other years of UU Wellspring. Participants in Sources are challenged, comforted and inspired by each of the six Sources by learning about Unitarian Universalism and reflecting on how to integrate their Faith more fully into their daily lives. To register CLICK HERE!
UU Wellspring Deep Questions:
September 2022 to June 2023,
Wednesdays 6:30-8:30pm
Facilitated by Chrissy Bisceglia
and Lois Porter
Participants examine the 7 Unitarian Universalist principles and the 8th proposed principle through the lens of their own experience and beliefs to see what meaning those principles may have in their lives and communities. To register CLICK HERE!
If you would like more information about UU Wellspring or any of this year’s offerings, please contact Chrissy Bisceglia,,You can also visit the Adult Faith Development table at the back of the Great Hall after service.