Reflections on Connections

Periodically, we will have a message from a member of the UUSS Staff Team. This week, Kristin Cleveland, our Congregational Life Coordinator, shared the following message: 

A month from today I’ll be attending the annual gathering of UU membership and congregational life professionals, held this year in Pittsburgh just before the UU Association of Congregations’ (UUAs’) 2023 General Assembly (GA). I’m particularly excited to participate in “A New Way Together,” led by the Rev. Cheryl M. Walker.

Rev. Cheryl is co-chair of the Article II Study Commission, the group charged by the UUA with reviewing its purpose and proposing revisions to “enable our UUA, our member congregations, and our covenanted communities to be a relevant and powerful force for spiritual and moral growth, healing, and justice,” (from the Charge to the Commission).

(For an extensive exploration of this component of Unitarian Universalism’s living tradition, revisit Rev. Wendy’s and Rev. Lynn’s April 16th sermon.)

I’m looking forward to discussing the proposed revisions with Rev. Cheryl and other membership and congregational life folks because, while I know that change can be difficult, I also know that working through challenges together, learning the experiences, perspectives and stories of others, can be more rewarding and produce a better outcome than is possible alone. After all, that’s why I’m a UU!

— Kristin