RE This Week… – Sept. 28th

Registration is now open for RE! Details about the eight classes offered this year can be found on the Learning pages of the UUSS website, accessible by clicking DETAILS. To register children and youth for classes, click the RE Registration Form.
Registration information and the registration form have also been posted to Facebook and included in a parent email.
Most RE classes will meet via Zoom through at least October. Updates will be provided as information becomes available.
RE classes will begin in October. Information about your child or youth’s particular classes will be provided in a parent email. We will spend the first few classes doing some community building, game playing, and discussing Unitarian Universalism.
8/9 OWL: The only class that will meet in person for now is the 8/9 OWL (Our Whole Lives sexuality education) class, which can only meet in person. They will meet Sunday evenings from 7-9. There is a mandatory Parent Orientation for this group this Sunday, 9/26, from 7-9, in the K/1 classroom next to the nursery in the church building. This group will be fully vaccinated, with masks and social distancing required. It is also a “closed” group, meaning there are no drop-ins and has the same participants from week to week.
If you’d like to help with RE, please reach out and let me know. There are lots of volunteer opportunities. Working with our children and youth can be a rewarding and spiritual experience!