RE This Week -Nov. 16th

RE ATTENDANCE: While most all UU churches have seen a significant drop in RE attendance in the past 20 months of the pandemic (some have even shut down their youth groups and children’s programming), it still disappoints me that our numbers aren’t what they were in “normal” times. Annnd, today I’m delighted to report our average weekly RE attendance so far this church year has been 27 Children and Youth! Yay to our Children and Youth, our parents and caregivers, and our terrific teachers—for showing up, sharing your time, yourselves, your energy, and making RE happen!
INTERESTED IN MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN THE LIVES OF UUSS KIDS? The RE Team is looking for a couple new members. We meet monthly to help support the Children and Youth of UUSS, as well as the DLRE.
K-6 EXPERIENCES WITH THE WEB OF LIFE: These nature lovers will meet again IN PERSON this Sunday morning, 11/21! (Weather permitting, of course, but the forecast is currently calling for mild temps and the possibility of rain later in the day.) We’ll meet behind Waters House at our regular time, 9:30-10:15, so y’all can hopefully get home in time to attend the virtual service and congregational meeting or Getting to Know UU. Sunday is going to be a busy day!
The plan is to have everyone come to church bundled up (be sure to bring mittens or gloves!), masked, and ready to work and play outside together for 45 minutes. We will have access to the bathroom if needed, but best to have your child take care of their bio needs before they come to church so we have as much time together as possible!
Please have your child complete the following “assignment” before we meet so they can most fully engage in class and share their observations.
  • Find insects in your special place or nearby: Look: on plants, in the air; dig, turn over rocks.
  • For each item found, write down in your journal: Name (if you know it), drawing, and/or description.
  • If you don’t find any, look in books, magazines, and newspapers. Add a few found items to your journal.
The rest of our K-6 classes for this calendar year will be virtual. No class 11/28.
Your favorite book? Do you have a favorite book you’ve shared with your family—would you like to share it with the congregation? If so, please let us know!
7/8 THE FIFTH DIMENSION: Their next meeting is this Sunday morning, 11/21, from 9:15-10:15. Come, join The Fifth Dimension for some Twilight Zone fun!
8/9 OWL: This group’s next meeting is this Sunday evening, 11/21, from 7-9. No class 11/28.
SENIOR YOUTH (grades 9-12): Our next regular meeting is this Sunday, 11/21, at noon. No class 11/28.
Senior Youth Dungeons and Dragons—Saturday, 11/20, at 7 pm! Senior Youth Advisor Aaron Tyo will serve as our dungeon master for an evening of Dungeons and Dragons this Saturday! If you’re a youth interested in participating, contact Director of Lifespan Religious Education Robin Ahearn at No experience required. A brief set of instructions will be provided prior to playing.
Happy Thanksgiving to All!