RE This Week – March 15th

Senior Youth Group has resumed meeting IN-PERSON! Such a delight! This past Sunday, our Senior Youth resumed in-person meetings! Our Waters House Youth Room once again rang out with laughter and good conversation. Comparisons of how much each one has grown and/or changed since they last saw each other in person.  It was hard to say goodbye, but we’re all looking forward to being together again next Sunday!
K-6 EXPERIENCES WITH THE WEB OF LIFE: These nature lovers will meet again Sunday morning, 3/20, IN PERSON! We’ll start in the Great Hall with the service beginning at 10:30, and we’ll stay through the Story for All Ages; then we’ll cross the street with adult supervision and head to our first-floor Waters House classroom! Masking and social distancing will be required, and we will have an air filtration unit in the classroom.
4/4: K-6th Celebrating Spring–6-6:45pm! Movement and stories to share. Location tbd dependent on COVID numbers.
7/8 THE FIFTH DIMENSION: Their next meeting is Sunday morning, 3/20, IN PERSON! We’ll start in the Great Hall with the service beginning at 10:30, and we’ll stay through the Story for All Ages; then we’ll cross the street and head to our second floor Waters House classroom—the large classroom with the TV! Masking and social distancing will be required, and we will have an air filtration unit in the classroom.
8/9 OWL: This group’s next in-person meeting is Sunday evening, 3/20, from 6-9pm (please note the earlier start time).
SENIOR YOUTH (9th-12th): Our next Senior Youth meeting will be IN PERSON on Sunday, 3/20, at noon! Masking and social distancing will be required, and we will have an air filtration unit in the room.
Youth Scholarship Opportunities – Aninger Fund
The Aninger Fund is a trust fund created for the sole purpose of supporting leadership opportunities for the junior and senior youth of our congregation.
In the past, religious education youth have requested money to attend leadership and spiritual programs. Some excellent opportunities are available through the UUA (UU Association) and CER (Central Eastern Regional Group) and include, but are not limited to: River Rising, General Assembly, Summer Seminary for youth, Multicultural Leadership School (youth), and youth conferences. In return for the scholarship, the recipients share their experiences with the congregation through written work in our weekly email newsletter, Circuits, participation in a service or a presentation at Coffee, Crullers and Conversations.
How and when do I apply?
Applying as an individual
The application deadline for leadership opportunities occurring this spring is May 1st. Applications will be reviewed at the May RE Team meeting and any applications received after the May 1st deadline will not be considered until the November 1, 2022, review (if they are still relevant). Junior and Senior youth can download an individual application through the UUSS website, and submit the completed application to Director of Lifespan Religious Education Robin Ahearn.
Applying for a group
One application can be submitted for a group of youth participating in a learning or leadership opportunity. One member of the group should download and submit a group application on behalf of the group. Group applications will be considered as they are received.
What happens to my application after it is received?
A group of RE Team members will review each application to determine what amount, if any, will be awarded. Decisions will be based on need, the relevance of the activity, other application requests, available funds, etc. Recipients will be notified as soon as possible of their award. After the activity, they will be expected to share what they learned and how their own UU faith has been furthered through this experience. In the past, this has been shared as an article in Circuits, a presentation to a Coffee, Crullers & Conversation session, which occurs regularly before Sunday worship services, or during a worship service. Youth can choose the venue they are most comfortable with.  This must be completed no later than four months afterwards.