RE This Week – Feb. 1st

Upcoming RE classes:
K-6 Experiences with the Web of Life:  These nature lovers will meet again Sunday morning, 2/6, from 9:30-10:15. Our topic for the day will be squirrels. Be sure to check out last week’s parent email for a fun squirrel assignment! Here’s the link to Experiences with the Web of Life:
7/8 The Fifth Dimension: Their next meeting is Sunday morning, 2/6, from 9:15-10:15. Here’s the link to The Fifth Dimension class:
8/9 OWL: This group’s next in-person meeting is this Sunday evening, 2/6, from 7-9.
Senior Youth (grades 9-12): Our next meeting is this Sunday, 2/6, at noon. Here’s the link to the Senior Youth Group Meetings: