RE This Week – Dec. 14th

UPCOMING RE CLASSES: The 8/9 OWL group’s next meeting is this Sunday evening, 12/19, from 7-9. This will be their last class of 2021; OWL classes will resume 1/9/22.
Other RE classes are on hiatus for a few weeks. All ages are welcome to attend Sunday and Christmas Eve services. Virtual RE classes will resume Sunday, 1/9.
Wishing our UUSS Family a healthy and happy holiday season!
Transcendentalism: Then and Now
Please join us for a four-part Adult Faith Development class titled: Transcendentalism Then and Now, led by Rev. John Buehrens. Hosted virtually at First Unitarian Rochester and sponsored by the St. Lawrence Chapter of the UU Minister’s Association.
Background reading (optional) for the course is Rev. Buehrens’ recent book, CONFLAGRATION: How the Transcendentalists Sparked the American Struggle for Racial, Gender, and Social Justice (Boston: Beacon Press, Jan. 2020). The book is available from Beacon Press or the UUA bookstore.
The course, however, will be thematic rather than following the narrative of the book. Rev. Buehrens will identify contemporary issues as well as explore the pioneering efforts of our spiritual forebears in spiritual practice, women’s rights, anti-racism, and ecotheology. The format of the course will include both lecture and discussion.
During his career, Rev. Buehrens served congregations in TN, TX, NY, MA, and CA. Prior to his retirement in 2017, he was the Senior Minister of the UU Society of San Francisco. He was also the president of the UUA from 1993 to 2001.
Date: Sundays: January 9, 16, 23, and 30, 2022
Time: 7-8:30 pm
Presenter: Rev. John Buehrens
Location: via Zoom. (link to follow)
The four sessions will cover the following topics:
  • Jan 9: The Transcendentalists: Shared Values, Conversations, and Spiritual Friendships
  • Jan 16: Women’s Rights, Education and Economic Inequality
  • Jan 23: Abolitionism and the Civil War: The Peak of Transcendentalist Influence
  • Jan 30: Nature, Evolution, and Environmentalism: The Transcendentalist Contribution