RE This Week 10/9

Given the tense political climate we find ourselves in, and knowing that whether or not our kids show it, there is a great deal of fear and anxiety among them regarding this maelstrom we find ourselves in. Check out this UUA site for lots of helpful tips in talking about these issues HERE.

Also, do explore the UUA website when you have an opportunity–there is a ton of information available, from tips to talking to kids about trauma, to youth service trips, and everything in between; it’s really a wonderful resource:

This coming Sunday, 10/14, everyone will begin in the Great Hall and stay through Story for All Ages. Following Story for All Ages, K/1 Children will follow their teachers to their Wonderful Welcome classroom in the church hallway. Grades 2-12 will meet in the church entryway and be led across the street to their Waters House classrooms. Classes will run through 11:50.

If you haven’t already registered your child for RE, please be sure to do so. To register your K-12th child for fall RE CLICK HERE.

If you have any questions, call (607) 435-2803 or email