President’s Message – September 3rd

Dear UUSS Community,
September is like New Year’s for me. Even before I became a teacher, September and the transition from summer to fall have always been filled with eager anticipation. I have the same feeling of eager anticipation as I enter this new church year with our Board of Trustees and all of you. The members of our new Board have embraced their roles with great thoughtfulness and enthusiasm, and I am so humbled and honored to serve with them as your Board President. I can’t wait to see what we can all accomplish together, with you, in the coming year.
Among the work we have done thus far is the development of our Annual Focus of Ministry and Open Questions, and I am so excited to share them here with you.
Our Annual Focus of Ministry is to boldly live our UU principles to transform ourselves and the world. To this end, we will:
  • Continue to educate ourselves about white supremacy culture and its impacts
  • Nurture and support one another, and
  • Inspire and encourage one another to act personally and collectively in these challenging times.
Our Open Questions are:
  • How are we accountable to one another?
  • How do we want to matter in the community?
  • What are the core values that shape our stewardship of money, and how shall we express those values in our budget?
Our Annual Focus of Ministry guides the ministry of the congregation for the year, and our Open Questions give us a chance to gather and think deeply together. I so look forward to engaging in such important work with this beloved community.
I hope to see you this weekend at our annual in-gathering service and the picnic following.
In faith, and with deep gratitude,