Packs of Pens Needed for Back2School Event

Schenectady Clergy Against Hate is hosting our third annual Back2School Extravaganza on Sunday, August 25th, from 1:00-3:00 p.m, in the Central Park Pavilion. There is live music, food, (provided by Stewart’s Shops,) lawn games, and an opportunity to pick up school supplies, that are provided by the participating religious leaders and congregations. UUSS is asked to bring 300 packs of blue or black pens. We’ll be collecting them on Sunday, Aug. 11 and Sunday, August 18th or you can drop them off at the church between 9am and 4pm, M-F, by Aug. 23. If you can contribute packs of pens, please place them in the box near the welcome table.We know lots of folks are away so if you are around, we’d welcome your generous piles of pens! With gratitude~ Rev. Lynn & Rev. Wendy