The stories we tell matter. The stories that are not told tell us something, too. During this season of stewardship, the main message is that UUSS is A Home for Hope. We’ll listen to one another’s stories and learn a bit more about one another and why this place means so much to so many. It can feel vulnerable to share parts of our story, yet in that vulnerability, most of us open our hearts with compassion. What we are witnessing in the US government is a very different story-not one of hope or kindness, connection or compassion-but of demeaning, bullying, division, judgment, lies, and disastrous and dangerous actions and orders. More people need a community, a home for hope, like UUSS. How will you share your part of this congregation’s 124 years story? Who might you know who would really benefit from knowing we exist? Who might you invite to UUSS to come listen to our stories in words, music, shared quiet, and so much more and maybe become part of the story, too?