Living Love Out Loud, the UUSS 2024-25 Stewardship Campaign, begins Sunday March 3

This year’s Stewardship theme is “Living Love Out Loud.”  We affirm that love is the spirit of this church.  Love compels us on our mission of joy, compassion, and justice.  As UUSS members, we aspire to hold love as the foundation of our relations with those we know and those we have yet to meet; with those we agree with and even those we don’t.

Our call is to Live Love Out Loud – not necessarily in volume – but…and…through action.

Details of the campaign are in the Circuits newsletter. Please plan to attend Celebration Sunday, March 17th, and return your completed forms indicating your generous 2024-2025 pledge! If you cannot attend in person on March 17th, pledges can be sent by mail or be made online through our website, which will go live on Mar 4.

Giving generously is Living Love Out Loud!

– Kevin O’Connor, on Behalf of the Stewardship Team