A church is a learning community. At its best, it is a nurturing and challenging place in which children, youth and adults create the foundation to live their values in the world. Religious Education is a central part of our Unitarian Universalist faith tradition, supporting our commitment to open-minded inquiry, reason and spirituality.

The UUSS Religious Education program for children and youth is designed to engage and develop a child’s reason and imagination, to ignite a passion for justice, and to support their development through the growing years. As a community of liberal faith, we provide a child with grounding in a Unitarian Universalist identity along with openness to world religious traditions. We encourage a child’s questions and exploration along with the development of core values and commitments to guide their life in the world.
Learning opportunities for adults are designed to deepen participants’ spiritual roots, expand their horizons, and provide new skills for leadership and service. Offerings range from the philosophical to the practical, the theological to the tactical.
As we invite children, youth and adults into the learning spaces of classroom, sanctuary and social hall, we also invite those of all ages to explore the gifts this vibrant church has to offer, and to become part of this loving community of faith in the historic liberal tradition of Unitarian Universalism. See you in church! – Rev. Lynn Gardner and Rev. Wendy Bartel