Summer Religious Education begins soon!

UU Schenectady is proud to offer religious education classes all year round! In July and August, we offer a multi-age class for children in 1st-6th grades. This summer, our curriculum is “Summer Stars.” The stars are adults from the congregation who volunteer to present activities related to a topic in which they are interested. Join us!

Our Summer RE class takes place in the room next to the nursery in the RE Hallway of the main building. Children go outside, weather permitting. If you are not registered, please sign your child(ren) into and out of the classroom each Sunday. Summer RE is our only drop-in class for children and youth.

Each week (starting on July 9th) will be led by two Summer Stars!

Mark Twain allegedly said, “I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.” This summer, we want to show our youngest children what learning can look like outside of their traditional classroom and that learning happens at all ages. By having members of the congregation come and share their passions, they are showing our children what learning for learning’s sake can look like and how fun it can be. We will be learning about a variety of fun things!

Equally important, when members come and share their passions, they are sharing a bit of themselves. They are introducing themselves in a new way to the kids in the classroom. We strengthen our intergenerational relationships and create a more cohesive multigenerational community.

So what’s your passion? Yodeling? Making origami? Knitting? Volleyball? How are you going to delve deeper into your passion this summer?

If you are interested in sharing your passion in Summer RE this summer, or would like to discuss our Summer RE program some more, please e-mail Leah Purcell, our Interim Director of Lifespan Religious Education at